ro-crate-java v1.0.4 released

A library to create and modify valid RO-Crates.

ro-crate-java v1.0.4 released

Today, we like to announce the release of version 1.0.4 of ro-crate-java.


Changes at required a small adjustment on ro-crate-java for cases where the identifier does not exist. Cases where the identifier was correct were not affected.

The adjustment affected the mapping from ROR metadata to RO-Crate contextual entities. It allows creating an organization entity for RO-Crates from the ROR metadata, using a single line of code. You can then add it to the crate and associate it with other entities within this crate. The following line works in every version:

OrganizationEntity organizationEntity = RorProvider.getOrganization("");

But a line like this would crash in previous versions, because of changes at ROR:

OrganizationEntity organizationEntity = RorProvider.getOrganization("");

Other changes

All other changes are about maintenance: all libraries have been updated to their newest versions. For technical details and maintenance information of this release, please take a look at the release page.