After a long time of background work, we like to announce the new release v1.2.0 of base-repo. Although it seems that most of the work went into dependency updates, there are also some nice new features hidden in the changelog below, e.g., versioning support for data, Keycloak support for authentication and the possibility to provide DataResource metadata in the official DataCite JSON format. If you face any issues with the current version, please use the Issue Tracker.
- Update to h2 2.1.214:
- Please migrate your database if you want to update base-repo while using h2!
- File versioning support for content elements
- Added Keycloak support for authentication
- Creating new DataResources accepts now official DataCite documents by providing Content-Type header with value ‘application/datacite+json’
- Additional field in content information metadata for providing the used versioning (none, simple, ocfl)
- Moved endpoint for audit information to base path /api/v1/audit/
- More consistent content-type handling
- Externalized documentation to
- Update to service-base 1.0.4
- Update to repo-core 1.0.3
- Update to io.freefair.lombok
- Update to org.owasp.dependencycheck 7.1.1
- Update to spring-boot 2.7.2
- Update to spring-doc 1.6.9
- Update to spring-cloud 3.1.3
- Update to spring-messaging 5.3.22
- Update to spring-restdocs-mockmvc 2.0.6.RELEASE
- Update to postgresql 42.4.0
- Fixed minor issues in queries of search endpoint if providing a search template resource, e.g., queries involving ResourceType or ACL information
- Property ‘repo.audit.enabled’ is no longer needed. Instead, ‘repo.plugin.versioning’ should be either set to ‘none’ or ‘simple’ to disable/enable versioning of both, metadata and data.