
A General Purpose Service for building Research Data Collections.


A collection is a digital object which bears a unique identifier and binds a finite number of digital objects together, which have common concerns. The collection API is an interface specification for CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on collections in order to enable client-server interaction with particular observance of persistent identification. It can be used for building collections of digital objects independent of any repository in order to facilitate data interoperability, reuse and make collections actionable to be able to cope with ever-increasing amounts and volumes of data. The Collection API has been proposed by the RDA Recommendation on Research Data Collections.

The documentation of the different REST APIs is available under
Moreover, this JAVA implementation of the RDA Recommendation is provided as a Spring Boot-based Microservice with a complete regard to the recommendation. As some aspects of Collection Registry are not clearly defined, the implementation contains some fixes [FIX], additions [ADD] and restrictions [RES]: