AIMS – Applying Interoperable Metadata Standards


A platform for creating and sharing metadata schemas for better research data management in engineering. Implementing a modular metadata concept with a focus keeping interoperability while allowing highly specific description of metadata. In addition to a repository for subject-specific application profiles for subsequent use, it also provides a generator for their creation and improvement based on controlled vocabularies. These are supplemented by a repository in which validated metadata records corresponding to the application profiles can be published. Researchers can access all content on the platform via a central search function and easily reuse relevant content. The core idea of AIMS is to provide low-threshold access for an improved metadata management. Technically build around RDF and SHACL based application profiles also with a focus on interoperability with existing standards, interfaces and semantic technologies.


Status: 16.06.2021
DescriptionAbout AIMS


Status: 16.06.2021

Supported Schema(s)---All schemas with supported format
Supported Format(s)RDF, SHACLExport as JSON, RDF/XML etc.
Interface(s)REST, GUIOAI-PMH planned
Open Sourceplanned-
External Storage-


  • Register Schema:
    • Support for arbitrary schemas of a specific format (e.g. JSON Schema, XSD)
    • The schema should at least be referencable by a unique identifier.
  • Update Schema:
    • Possibility to
      • work on different versions of a schema
      • adapt schemas over time
  • Validate Schema:
    • Check schema for correct syntax
  • Ingest Metadata:
    • Store metadata (document) in repository
      • Ideally with previous validation
  • Update Metadata:
    • Possibility to update already ingested metadata (documents).
  • Validate Metadata:
    • Possibility to validate documents on the basis of registered schemas.
  • Search by Administrative MD:
    • Search documents by their metadata (e.g. ingest date, ingester, ...)
  • Search by Content:
    • Search documents by their content
  • Persistent Identifier:
    • Support for Persistent Identifiers (e.g. DOI, Handle)

Additional Features

Status: 16.06.2021

  • Metadata Repository only one part of a bigger platform.
  • Focus on UI and related backend for user-friendly metadata schema creation, re-use and sharing implemented as RDF SHACL application profiles.
  • Extensive API for integration in scientific workflows to track metadata during data creation and analysis.


Status: 16.06.2021

Register Schema+RDF, SHACL
Update Schema+
Validate Schema+
Ingest Metadata+
Update Metadata
Validate Metadata+
Search by ...
... Administrative MD+
... Content+
Persistent Identifier+via external service


  • Focus on usability and low-threshold access.
  • Compatibility with existing standards and terminologies.
  • Accessible to other applications via SPARQL endpoints.