A Generic, General Purpose Research Data Repository Service.
In order to make use of the messaging feature, a RabbitMQ instance must be running, preferably locally for security reasons. Please refer to the RabbitMQ web page https://www.rabbitmq.com/ on how to install and operate such an instance. From the repository perspective, all relevant settings are part of the default configuration file ‘application.properties’. These properties, their function and values/defaults are listed in the following table. Typically, no additional repository-specific configuration of the message queue is necessary.
property key | function | allowed values [default] |
repo.messaging.enabled | Enables (true) or disables (false) the entire messaging functionality. | true or false [true] |
repo.messaging.hostname | The hostname where the RabbitMQ instance is running at. | A valid hostname [localhost] |
repo.messaging.port | The port on which the RabbitMQ instance is running at. | A numeric port number [5672] |
repo.messaging.sender.exchange | The RabbitMQ exchange to which all messages are sent. | A string uniquely identifying the exchange [repository_events] |
repo.messaging.receiver.exchange | The RabbitMQ exchange from where messages are received. | A string uniquely identifying the exchange [repository_events] |
repo.messaging.receiver.queue | The name of the queue collecting all messages of the exchange. This queue is used for all handlers installed at the repository itself. External consumers may create an own quene. | A string uniquely identifying the queue [repoEventQueue] |
repo.messaging.receiver.routingKeys | The routing key (category.[subcategory] of messages) sent to the configured queue. | A String containing the category (e.g. ‘dataresource’) and subcategory (e.g. ‘#’ for all) [dataresources.#] |
repo.schedule.rate | The schedule rate in milliseconds at which the repository checks for new messages. | A numeric amount of milliseconds [1000] |