Configuration of Messaging Feature

A Generic, General Purpose Research Data Repository Service.

Configuration of Messaging Feature

In order to make use of the messaging feature, a RabbitMQ instance must be running, preferably locally for security reasons. Please refer to the RabbitMQ web page on how to install and operate such an instance. From the repository perspective, all relevant settings are part of the default configuration file ‘’. These properties, their function and values/defaults are listed in the following table. Typically, no additional repository-specific configuration of the message queue is necessary.

property key function allowed values [default]
repo.messaging.enabled Enables (true) or disables (false) the entire messaging functionality. true or false [true]
repo.messaging.hostname The hostname where the RabbitMQ instance is running at. A valid hostname [localhost]
repo.messaging.port The port on which the RabbitMQ instance is running at. A numeric port number [5672] The RabbitMQ exchange to which all messages are sent. A string uniquely identifying the exchange [repository_events] The RabbitMQ exchange from where messages are received. A string uniquely identifying the exchange [repository_events]
repo.messaging.receiver.queue The name of the queue collecting all messages of the exchange. This queue is used for all handlers installed at the repository itself. External consumers may create an own quene. A string uniquely identifying the queue [repoEventQueue]
repo.messaging.receiver.routingKeys The routing key (category.[subcategory] of messages) sent to the configured queue. A String containing the category (e.g. ‘dataresource’) and subcategory (e.g. ‘#’ for all) [dataresources.#]
repo.schedule.rate The schedule rate in milliseconds at which the repository checks for new messages. A numeric amount of milliseconds [1000]