Configuring the FAIR DO Lab

Configuring single components.

Configuring the FAIR DO Lab

As the Lab is a set of components, configuring it means to configure these components and its composition.

Configure the component structure

The docker-compose.yml file defines ports and local hostnames of the services. It can be used to exclude services or include new ones.

Configure the services

Each service has its own folder in the repository, containing configuration files like Dockerfiles, files, or more. They will be included either when building the image or when starting the container. While the docker-compose.yml sets for example hostnames and ports for each service, the communication between the services is being configured in the file of each service.

Typed PID Maker

Configuration sub-folder: pit-service

Currently, there is no pre-built image of the Typed PID Maker. The configuration is included at build time of the image. This means to apply new configuration, you need to:

docker compose rm pit-service  # remove Typed PID Maker
docker compose build pit-service  # build new image
docker compose create pit-service  # create new container

Read more about how to configure the Typed PID Maker ( If you want to include your key and certificate files for configuration of a real PID prefix, you can put it into the config folder and refer to it in the via a relative path. Example: If you put the key in config/key/keyfile.bin, then use key/keyfile.bin to refer to it from the configuration file. If your file is password-protected, you can set the passphrase using the environment variable described in the Typed PID Maker configuration description within the docker-compose.yml.


Configuration sub-folder: indexer

Applying the configuration currently works the same as with the Typed PID Maker, described above. The following is a list of the most important properties in the file.

The following properties define the communication with RabbitMQ.


Configuration sub-folder: fairris

Fairris is a small user interface for purely DEMO purposes. It allows you to create and update minimalistic FAIR DOs using the Typed PID Maker. The current version has no configuration options.