2.2 Decide on KIP contents

With our six key principles in mind, we can now start defining our PID Kernel Information Profile. As a basis, it is highly recommended to adopt the Recommendation on PID Kernel Information of the Research Data Alliance. Doing so, we'll start with a couple of recommended elements.

kernelInformationProfilePID of the KIP for this PID record
digitalObjectTypePID of the Data Type of the referenced object
digitalObjectLocationLocation URL of the referenced object
digitalObjectPolicyPID of the policy object with e.g. license information
etagEtag of the current state of the referenced object
dateModifiedLast modification date of the references object
dateCreatedCreation date of the referenced object
versionVersion of the referenced object
wasDerivedFromPID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation
specializationOfPID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation
wasRevisionOfPID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation
hadPrimarySourcePID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation
wasQuotedFromPID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation
alternateOfPID of another object according to PROV-DM recommendation

As we've learned in the recipe on Create a Data Type, we now prepare our checklist containing at least the recommended properties and their Data Type PIDs.

PropertyDTR Inquiry Result (Reuse, Extend, Create)
kernelInformationProfileKernelInformationProfile (21.T11148/076759916209e5d62bd5)
digitalObjectTypedigitalObjectType (21.T11148/1c699a5d1b4ad3ba4956)
digitalObjectLocationdigitalObjectLocation (21.T11148/b8457812905b83046284)
digitalObjectPolicydigitalObjectPolicy (21.T11148/8074aed799118ac263ad)
etagetag (21.T11148/92e200311a56800b3e47)
dateModifieddateModified (21.T11148/397d831aa3a9d18eb52c)
dateCreateddateCreated (21.T11148/397d831aa3a9d18eb52c)
versionversion (21.T11148/c692273deb2772da307f)
wasDerivedFromwasDerivedFrom (21.T11148/c6e4c19f294ee6f41b1e)
specializationOfspezializationOf (21.T11148/ab53242825e85a0a7f76)
wasRevisionOfwasRevisionOf (21.T11148/2a1cad55473b20407c78)
hadPrimarySourcehadPrimarySource (21.T11148/a753134738da82809fc1)
wasQuotedFromwasQuotedFrom (21.T11148/beaeecebec408908de35)
alternateOfalternateOf (21.T11148/432132bdbd946b2baf2b)

Now you may add additional properties, which you need according to your use case, e.g., the reference to a utilized instrument, geo location information, data format information, or information about software that can be used to process the referenced resource. Afterwards, for each of the added properties the following evaluation process, similar to the Data Type Registry Inquiry while creating a new Data Type, has to be performed.

Property Inquiry

After this process, you'll end up with a checklist containing either matching Data Type PIDs for all your properties or you'll have to create a new Data Type for the one or the other property. In that case, please refer to the recipe Create a Data Type before you proceed.